
If you don’t know what the market is thinking. What are you thinking?

It’s been some time since I posted content from our Apollo EDGE platform but to those that follow our work, the Investment Cycle and Implied cost of capital model are key to understanding when stocks enter periods of change.In the images below you can see the Investment Cycle evolution over time. Nvidia entered a de-rating […]

General Smart Alpha Stock View Uncategorized

A picture paints a 1000 words

Investing is all about knowledge which is why we have always used the phrase “The Need to Know” when describing what Apollo is and does and h0w it can help investors. Apollo (through the EDGE platform) provides investors an insight which gives them that edge.

General Market Dynamics Stock View Uncategorized

French Toast

President Macron’s decision to call a snap election has had a dramatic effect on bond and equity markets to the extent that and even before Marine Le Pen offered a concilliatory olive branch, we were looking at some Indicators and signals coming from Apollo that might suggest some interesting investment opportunities are beginning to show […]


it ain’t over until its over.

There are many reasons why our Smart Alpha process works so well and stands up to scrutiny.

We start with the investible universe and immediately ‘knock out’ the stocks we don’t want to own. Stocks are initially selected by Factor – a ‘bottom up’ selection process.

General Smart Alpha Uncategorized

Backing the winners

As regular readers know, we like a sports analogy and so let’s think about horse racing for a moment. As a person who goes racing twice a a year for a good day out, I don’t follow racing like I follow other sports. I don’t research the race card before attending and yet I place […]